Greetings Blogland
For those who do not know, I am studying to become a Sign Language Interpreter.
That means I will be working with the members of my local Deaf community and becoming involved in promoting awareness for deaf people. Every day there are deaf children being brought up in a way that is not in keeping with deaf culture. Hearing parents try to force their deaf kids to learn to read lips and speak, and to not use sign. I'm not saying that all hearing parents are like this, but many are. Some deaf kids grow up lip reading and speaking until they go to college. It is only then that they learn about the heritage of the deaf people. A great history they have to call their own.
Throughout time there have been amazing deaf individuals who changed how deaf and hard of hearing were looked at. True it is a disability, but harder to comprehend because you cannot see the "problem". A blind person is noticeable right away because of a walking stick or Seeing Eye dog. A person in a wheelchair is known right away as 'disabled'. A child with Downs Syndrome or MS can be diagnosed with just a look in their direction, but a deaf person can look just like you and me. It is only once you try to get their attention, that you understand they cannot hear you.
I understand that many people do not care about sign language. Most likely they do not care for any language besides their own. But knowing another language of any kind is more desirable in the job front today than it ever has been. Deaf people are consumers too. Knowing sign is a sure way to make the deaf community decide to cater to a business with employees who sign. It’s the same way with Spanish speaking consumers going to bilingual places of business to spend their money.
So just think about it. You can talk with your mouth and your hands. Learning ASL is a great way to expand your horizons both physically and mentally.
:) Until next time blogland
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
My Narrative Essay for Honors Comp
Howdy Blog land!
I was writing my honors composition essay and thought it might actually be read worthy. It will most definatly give you insight to my relationship with Mom, Hope you like it!
I was writing my honors composition essay and thought it might actually be read worthy. It will most definatly give you insight to my relationship with Mom, Hope you like it!
Phone Calls with My Mother
Over the years I have endured many ear-bending conversations with the woman I call Mother. I can always count on her inquiries about my health, school, and emotional state. Most of these questions would not result in an outbreak of raised voices; however, I regularly found myself gritting my teeth with every well-intentioned probe. I am blessed that age has brought a pinch of wisdom along for the ride. I can now admit to treasuring every moment we converse via the wireless technology of cellular phones.
In the past, my immature self-induced fantasies of being “grown up enough” to deal with my own life would often abbreviate any possible amicable conversations. As I wound myself to the peak of angst over a trivial inquiry, Mom would blithely remark “Oh the joys of youth, Jeanine!” Frequently my responses to her would be unintelligible; my rage getting the best of me.
Reflecting on the many times I argued with mom, a common theme would be my relationship choices and the fact that I had given up on college. “You can’t move forward if you are in reverse.” Mom would tell me. “But Mom, you just don’t understand! You have never taken a risk in your life! (Insert boys name here) is the one for me! I know what is right for me!” I would whine to her as if an annoying tone would get her to see my sense of reason.
My late teens to early twenties were a rush of constant disagreement as we failed to see eye to eye. Despite our arguments, she was always there for me in a time of trouble. My selfish mindset wouldn’t even think twice at asking for what I thought I needed for myself, even if it meant Mom denying her own needs to bestow to me what in truth was merely a want. Every new apartment or car was usually provided for me by my giving mother. I could not see it then, but I broke her heart and her bank with my constant query of “give me”, as in “Give me money!” or “Buy me (insert any random thing)”. The truth is I was a spoiled brat. It was only by attempting to spread my wings and fly that I learned to look beyond my own plight. Failure that sent me home to mommy helped me to see just how much hurt I had caused to my mother over the years.
My thirtieth birthday heralded a new-found calm inside me. I was gainfully employed, married and somewhat settled into a life I thought I was content with. Mom and I were keeping the peace due to recent losses of close family members. While we did not see eye to eye, much of the angst was shoved aside or buried. I was looking beyond my own nose. I can still see the walls of my apartment; I would often stare at the peeling paint as I listened to Mom talk about her day. My step –father Bill was very sick with cancer and unless she talked to me, she was basically alone with no outlet for her stress.
Those conversations we had then are blurred together. I can almost feel the worn carpet under my feet from where I would pace as she talked about people getting upset at work. I can hear the whimpering cries of Mischief, my puppy begging to be let out as Mom cried through the phone line about how treatments were not working for Bill. And I can smell the burning charcoal remains of a meatloaf I accidently left in the oven too long because I was deep in conversation with Mom about our schedule for the following week. That was the day she laughed and said I should have paid attention in my high school home economics class.
Time passed, and I realized I wasn’t a happy little wife. Mom was there with advice and a shoulder while I decided how to finalize my divorce. Bill was still very sick but hanging onto life for the time being. Every day was a huge pile of stress on Mom. Our phone calls were usually the most relaxing part of her day. She would tell me that listening to someone else’s issues would help her deal with her own. This is why the phone calls to my mother would no longer bring forth the inner angst worthy of a sixteen-year-old girl. Maturity had reared its head and calmer tempers were the way of the future. The phone would keep us connected as we went through some of life’s most challenging adventures. Her motherly advice is now taken willingly and appreciated.
I was in Oklahoma when Bill passed away. It was late at night and my phone rang. Mom was crying so hard, I could hardly understand her. Hours of crying and soothing took place as I scanned the internet for a flight home. We talked funeral plans and got my airline ticket readied. I was thankful I could be there for her, the phone calls kept us sane. It has been almost two years since that awful moment when she called grieving. Now our conversations reflect on the happy times she had with Bill. We talk about school and discuss plans to visit each other. Plans to visit usually include a discussion about the World Wide Web and finding a good hotel or airfare. “I just don’t know about those inter-webs,” she tells me, “there are those crackers trying to steal your information on there!” No matter how many times I tell her that it’s the internet and crackers are food, hackers steal information, she never gets it right. It’s one of the numerous reasons I love her. She still talks about the stress she deals with at work and I listen to her vent. Phone conversations with Mom are a joy in my life that I hope to have for a long time to come.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Snow Days: Playing Catch-up
We have been housebound since Monday evening. A week has gone by without leaving home and it is official. I have cabin fever! Dear blog land, I am craving a frolic on the beach, or a warm walk through the park. Any weather but this piled up snow. Enough with the ice and freezing temperatures, I am dreaming of a warm Valentine’s Day.
Adding to the Cabin Fever is the fact that Craig is stuck at the Vet’s office. He has been there since early Monday morning and the great fear is he will think we abandoned him. Needless to say we will be very forthcoming with the treats and snuggles when we get him home.
They say that Tulsa Community College NEVER closes but alas we have seen a full week of no school. I still have a narrative essay to write and plenty of Algebra to keep me busy. Also I could review my U.S. History Chapters 1-5 before next week should the classes resume by then.
This weekend is supposed to be one of the biggest events in Sports, The Super Bowl. We have planned to order wings and have friends over. As of right now, we are not cancelling. We intend to still have people over if they can make it to the house.
Thats all my brain can put together for now. Until tomorrow blog land!~Nina
Monday, January 31, 2011
Wacky Weekend Stuff: It ISN’T all it’s cracked up to be!
Hello Blog land!
They say when you are a student that you live for the weekend. Perhaps that’s true, but this weekend was a bit more than I bargained for. First off, we planned to take Craig the Cat in for a round of shots and to get him fixed. Sadly, the latter was not to be due to the ill decided feeding before visiting the doctor. Craig was given the reprieve to bond with his “man parts” until Monday morning when he would be left at the doctor’s office overnight.
Afternoon brought idle perusal of “How I Met your Mother” Season 2 on DVD. We were debating the evening’s enjoyments, and decided that Crystal Pistol was the venue of choice after a trip to River Spirit Casino. The casino was uneventful, taking all but $10 of our money we brought with us to play on. Upon leaving the casino, we were contacted by J, who asked what the plans were for the night. Relaying the information took but a moment and then we were on our way. The downtown area was jam packed with people, making parking a major issue. Lady luck was on our side here at least, because we found a spot with minimal fuss. And so it was that we attended the Freaknik Friday Dance Party.
Saturday dawned and eventually I got my behind out of bed. (If you do not yet know, then you will understand that I LOVE TO SLEEP. I can sleep all day if allowed.) Once I was up and had talked to my mother, I saw I had a missed call from Dad aka “The Admiral”. It seems that Ally-son had gotten sick on Friday and they had taken her to the hospital. Appendicitis was the decree and surgery was had. All is well in this story; she is home now with orders to rest and NO driving until she is pain free. (Sadness) Over all, we are just thrilled that she is ok and they found the problem before her appendix ruptured. After visiting her at the hospital, we came back to the house where I encountered a FOUL substance in the air. My allergies are strange and well this one really gets me if I don’t watch myself carefully. After my chest quit hurting and I could breathe normally again, I found my left side achy and it was hard to move my arm over my head, etc. So I bundled up on the couch and we watched TV. My Eric was fantastic at taking care of me, letting me recoup at my own speed.
Sunday started out cold and icky. I had finally gotten all the pieces to my group essay we have been working on in Honors Composition class, and could put all the paragraphs together to make the actual essay. We watched more TV and snacked because I was not starving enough to eat a full meal. Almost before I knew it, it was time to go to bed. Monday would dawn early and we had to take a certain cutie kitty to the vet. J So now it is Monday and I wonder what the week will bring. We are told to expect foul weather this week. I hope that doesn’t mean dire weather conditions. Guess we shall see blog land? Until then, TTFN
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Student Commons Life: Algebra, Bluegrass, Chili, and Essays
Its Wednesday dear blog land and I have a horrid hour and a half delay between classes. I shouldn’t complain about it. This is my curse to deal with because I hesitated about going back to school and started to take a full time job on top of classes. I was working for a temp agency prior to classes starting and they got me thinking I should work instead of go to school. It was a terrifying moment of indecision. I decided to try and do both, so I switched all my courses to evening schedule. It would have been a tight fit, especially with Eric also in class during the evenings. After all was said and done, I got sick over the holidays. It was the excuse my agency needed to cut me loose from a great contract, so I decided that they did not need me anymore. I switched my classes back to days as best I could and that resulted in this gap of time I am now using to tell you about life in general, school life in specifics.
Wednesday is an interesting day on the TCC campus. Its midweek, so students are perking up as they look towards the weekend. It seems that Wednesday is the celebration day here in the “Commons” and here soon there will be free Chili and some Bluegrass tunes being played. Bluegrass is not everyone’s favorite music, but I happen to really enjoy it. Thankfully my schedule will allow me to be here as the band starts to play. Shortly after the jam session gets going, I will have to head to class to work on a group essay. (Major Sad Face)
Let me tell you why I say (SAD FACE) to the idea of a group essay. This time around it’s not horribly bad. Most of the time, however, a group project will lead to the person or persons who work hard, doing all the work. This makes me sad because I tend to be the one who “volunteers” to be leader and will ultimately get the slap in the face when something falls apart. The upside to this group is I have Kristine working with me and she is fantastic! We have lots in common and she was my first friend I made here on campus. She is talented, funny, amazing and can be textually verbose! The rest of my five person group is guys, so it’s also nice to have another gal working with me. Now don’t misunderstand me, the guys are great! I believe Juan will go far just because he works so hard to overcome the obstacle of ESL (English as Second Language). Despite the rigorous workload of Honors Composition, I believe he will pull thru. James and Tony seem to know what they are doing well enough. I have no worries this time around about my group. The upside is for my English class, this is my ONLY group project!
Well I guess that about empties my brain for the moment, so I’ll sign off for now. Have a fantastic day Blog land!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The Student Dynamic: A glimpse into the world of Community College
If you look around me, you will see a well lit room with lots of seating. It’s the “commons” as most call it. The Student Union is a group that provides activities for the enrolled students to be involved on campus. Tropical party day was the first of many events we will see gracing the hall that is “hang out” central. Students gather in groups of 2 or more… some sit silently alone at their laptops typing away. There is a murmur of voices and people discuss and debate the professor’s offerings from last period. Homework is being done, essays written. Blogs posted even. It seems most of the students are like me, the second or third chance student. Someone who has lived life out in the big bad world and come back to better themselves. But not all of them are coming to school again. In some of the groups, the age range is so young that you wonder if they graduated or got their GED and came to college early. There is an exuberance that comes from youth… it seems lost past the age of 25. Those of us out of our 20s long for the energy we once had, even as we press onward forcing ourselves to continue down our chosen path. The early classes make one moan in protest and desire to kick one’s own posterior
Despite the moaning and groaning, I am truly joyful of my decision to come back to these hallowed halls of learning. This was a decision that needed making, a way of changing life for the better. Maturity will be the tool of my success. As a high school student, I was obsessed with the “most for the least” mentality. I never took honors courses or challenged myself in my scholastic studies. Even in music classes, I went for the easiest ways to showcase ability and talent. I was a slacker! But now I understand why hard work makes the reward more worthwhile. So now I take Honors courses. I plan my studies to make time to do the work. Even the bane of my existence, Algebra, is coming back to my brain in bits and pieces. I truly wish I knew back then what I understand now. If I could turn back the clock and redo my life, I would only impress upon my younger self the ideal of hard work. I would challenge myself to move beyond the bare minimum. The late start of academic challenge is the only thing I truly regret.
So the moral of this soliloquy is? It is never too late to better ones self thru learning. Don’t let your days go by without taking in something new. Every day is a new opportunity.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Welcome to My Blog!
Greetings everybody in the vast space that is blog land. My name is Jeanine Crawford, but all my friends call me Nina. I am 32 years old and I was married for almost 6 years. We divorced in 2009 and I am blessed to have found love again. This blog is about 2nd chances and the way life has come full circle for me. I have started back to college with a focus I never had fresh out of high school. I was a procrastinating overachiever, if you can believe such a thing exists. I wanted all the honors for the least amount of work. You now know a few things about me in present day, but to understand me, you had to know where I came from.
This is just a short intro to get things started here on my page. I hope to share many thoughts and ideas with you as the days go by.
Thanks for dropping in!
This is just a short intro to get things started here on my page. I hope to share many thoughts and ideas with you as the days go by.
Thanks for dropping in!
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