Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Student Dynamic: A glimpse into the world of Community College

                If you look around me, you will see a well lit room with lots of seating. It’s the “commons” as most call it. The Student Union is a group that provides activities for the enrolled students to be involved on campus. Tropical party day was the first of many events we will see gracing the hall that is “hang out” central. Students gather in groups of 2 or more… some sit silently alone at their laptops typing away. There is a murmur of voices and people discuss and debate the professor’s offerings from last period. Homework is being done, essays written. Blogs posted even.  It seems most of the students are like me, the second or third chance student. Someone who has lived life out in the big bad world and come back to better themselves. But not all of them are coming to school again. In some of the groups, the age range is so young that you wonder if they graduated or got their GED and came to college early. There is an exuberance that comes from youth… it seems lost past the age of 25. Those of us out of our 20s long for the energy we once had, even as we press onward forcing ourselves to continue down our chosen path. The early classes make one moan in protest and desire to kick one’s own posterior
                Despite the moaning and groaning, I am truly joyful of my decision to come back to these hallowed halls of learning. This was a decision that needed making, a way of changing life for the better. Maturity will be the tool of my success. As a high school student, I was obsessed with the “most for the least” mentality.  I never took honors courses or challenged myself in my scholastic studies. Even in music classes, I went for the easiest ways to showcase ability and talent. I was a slacker!  But now I understand why hard work makes the reward more worthwhile. So now I take Honors courses. I plan my studies to make time to do the work. Even the bane of my existence, Algebra, is coming back to my brain in bits and pieces. I truly wish I knew back then what I understand now. If I could turn back the clock and redo my life, I would only impress upon my younger self the ideal of hard work. I would challenge myself to move beyond the bare minimum. The late start of academic challenge is the only thing I truly regret.
                So the moral of this soliloquy is? It is never too late to better ones self thru learning. Don’t let your days go by without taking in something new.  Every day is a new opportunity.


1 comment:

  1. One of the truly good things about living in our time and place is the ready availability of education to all those who wish to seek it, no matter their stage in life.

    Now if only we could get those young whippersnappers in the back of the room to pay attention and actually learn...
